How A True Play Revolution Can Protect Childhood

转载 2020-11-11  1438 Denisha Jones



Denisha Jones

丹尼莎·琼斯博士:美国萨拉劳伦斯学院(Sarah Lawrence College)教授,教学艺术项目主任。捍卫早教组织(Defending the Early Years)主任。



 How True Play 


 Can Protect Childhood 

Part three in my five-part blog series reporting on my experience attending the first annual True Play Conference in Anji, China will focus on the need for a global true play revolution...


The conference began with a presentation by Ms. Cheng Xueqin, Director of the Anji Childhood Education Research Center and founder of the Anji Play approach to early childhood education. 

Ms. Cheng began by discussing five components of the global crisis in early education:


Lack of access for the most marginalized communities


Current approaches based on outdated views of learning and focus on increasingly irrelevant skills


Early educators treated as unskilled workers and not empowered


The right of children to authentic experiences of deep learning is not part of the design or priorities of current systems


Institutions, organizations, and experts have created and benefit from systems that will not change from within , regardless how they redefine skill sets


安吉游戏创始人 程学琴


Anyone familiar with early childhood education in the United States can attest to how these issues (and others) have negatively impacted children, their families, and early childhood teachers.


The spread of the Global Education Reform Movement, aka GERM, has fueled the crisis not only in early education but in public education as a democratic ideal.

If you compare the five global features of GERM articulated by Pasi Sahlberg(芬兰教育学者、作家和教育政策顾问) with the five issues Ms. Cheng described, you can see how GERM contributes to the crisis.


As Ms. Cheng and the teachers in Anji county worked to address the crisis in early education, they described a shift in early care education from no play to false play to true play.


Ms. Cheng shared her journey to discover true play in Anji. She began by looking at children’s eyes, and she soon realized that their eyes only smiled when they engaged in true play.


No play and false play, which was the play teachers thought children should engage in, did not lead to eyes that smiled. Only when the children were free to engage in selfdetermined play, with a minimally structured environment did their eyes truly smile.


The distinction between true play and false play is crucial to fully understand why the global true play revolution is vital to the health and well-being of young children across the globe.


False play is the norm in the U.S. and likely in many other countries. Children can play with toys selected by the teacher that typically have one function. Or they play outside on plastic play structures that do not provide the freedom for children to explore and become deeply engaged. We need to go beyond false play experiences and ensure all children have the right to true play.


What Ms. Cheng and her teachers discovered through observations of children during the changes to play, led to a pedagogical revolution that has fueled a global true play revolution.


In this Pedagogical Revolution, we remove the restrictions of children’s play and discover children’s ability to keep on renewing our cognizance. 

Cognizance towards children, cognizance towards children’s learning, cognizance towards the value of the environment, cognizance towards teacher’s role, cognizance towards educational ecology.



安吉游戏创始人 程学琴

A global true play revolution will allow adults to learn from children instead of creating experiences that serve the needs of adults.


As we learn from children engaging in true play, we provide experiences that protect childhood from GERM and other education reform efforts that do not prioritize the needs of children.


Our efforts to protect childhood can only succeed during a global true play revolution…

I hope you will join me and others as we work to spark the revolution and ensure all children have the right to true play!


① 捍卫早教组织:Defending the Early Years(DEY)是一个非盈利组织(官网网站:,成立于2012年,致力于为每个幼儿提供公正、公平、优质的幼儿教育。

文章来源 | Denisha Jones博客

内文图片来源 | Denisha Jones博客、


封面图片 | 安吉幼儿教育研究中心

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My Reflections on Anji Play


